Friday, October 9, 2009

Finally! New Xiahe Travel Info...

I want to apologize to anyone who has come to this blog looking for up-to-date information on the Xiahe region, because you have not been finding it here.

The only excuse that I can offer is that I have three young children at home (ages 1, 2, 3) and I travel almost non-stop (3-5,000 km/month) in my little Chinese van. So I am busy.

(BTW, that is my 3 yr old son Gabriel in the pic, with my van in the background)

Here are a few quick updates:

Travel restrictions have almost entirely been lifted in the region, and Snowy Mountain Cafe in Xiahe re-opened in July with menu full of our old favorites, as well as a few new dishes.

As of October 9th, 2009, Xiahe and Langmusi are still open for tourists.

If anything changes, I will try to post the information here on this site!

FYI, our Langmusi restaurant will be open in March of 2010.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Xiahe Open Again

It has recently been confirmed to me that Xiahe (Labrang) in Gansu Province has now officially been re-opened for tourists.

Our cafe in Xiahe (Snowy Mountain Cafe) has been closed since early April (just after the unrest began), but we are planning on reopening in March at the beginning of this year's tourists season.

Xiahe is a beautiful place to visit any time of the year, so please make plans to come see us sometime this year!