Monday, June 23, 2008

Tibetan Sunburn

Today was awesome!

Other than the sunburn I received on my arms and neck by the high-altitude Tibetan sun, it was a perfect day.

Imagine a wild and rushing mountain river, huge boulders lining the banks and sticking up out of the cold, blue water every few dozen feet. Imagine the forested mountainsides and the snow-capped peaks rimming the valley. Imagine deep blue skies, a temperature near 70 degrees, and a cool breeze wafting down the mountain valley.

Now, imagine that you are actually only an hour's hike and an hour's motorcycle ride from the crowded streets, honking horns, and smog-ridden cities of China.

Most people don't think of China as the land of immense natural beauty. Most tourists visit China, not to see the mountains and rivers and forests, but to see the cultural relics and other man-made wonders, like the Great Wall. These people often miss out on the vast array of natural beauty that can be found in China.

This is a land of immense contrast. You have polluted cities planted just on the edge of wilderness. You have unmatched natural beauty mixed with unparalled environmental destruction, all within the same county or prefecture. Fortunately, there are still wild and remote places to visit and enjoy, like the one shown in the picture above.

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